Service Agreement
Each registered customer is deemed to have accepted the contract text below..
1.1: This contract includes the products, services and services (referred to as services) on the website. Verixu Hosting (referred to as Verixu) that provides / sells / markets and the person / institution that purchases products, services and services through Verixu and registers to the system (referred to as customer), internet address belonging to Verixu (and its sub-sites and extensions) operating websites (will be referred to as sites) and products, services and services to be purchased through these sites will be deemed to have been signed under the terms and conditions stated below.
1.2: Out of the Verixu website ( and all the services or services actively offered on this site, only those who can make legally binding contracts under existing laws they can benefit. When you start using the Verixu website ( and the services or services available on the site; stating that you are at least eighteen (18) years old and / or in existing laws You accept, declare and undertake that you have the capacity to make legally binding contracts in other ways.
1.3: If you are going to use the Verixu website ( and the services or services on the site on behalf of the legal entity and sign the contracts on behalf of the legal entity, the relevant legal entity is signed by You hereby accept, declare and undertake that you are legally authorized to represent in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in other agreements on the website.
After you accept this contract electronically, if it is determined by Verixu that you are not authorized to represent the relevant legal entity, You acknowledge, declare and undertake that you know that you will be personally responsible for all obligations in this contract, including payment responsibilities. In addition, Verixu does not provide any information that could reasonably give the impression that it is correct and originating from an authorized representative of the legal entity. will not be liable for any loss or damage that may occur as a result of relying on instructions, notices, documents or similar communications.
In case of reasonable doubt about the authenticity of this instruction, notice, document or communication, Verixu may additionally ask you to confirm the authenticity of the said information. However, this confirmation request is not the obligation of Verixu.
1.4: The parties declare, accept and undertake the accuracy of the information written in this contract and the personal and commercial information recorded electronically.
2.1: This contract is used by the customer in the registration process of the transactions, orders, messages sent by the customer on the site. The departments that are allowed to do or not to do in accordance with the information they have given, to Verixu for the services they will receive in their orders according to their preferences. He will regulate the fees he will pay. These service and transaction descriptions are as follows.
2.2: Membership information is the information entered by the customer during registration. Since this information will be based on the transactions made it is assumed that the customer and the member entered this information completely and correctly.
3.1: Verixu will provide the services it has delivered as an order upon the customer's request. With the acceptance message of the order, Verixu accepts that it has charged the relevant fee and in the order in question. will undertake to provide the specified service.
3.2: Payment method, K.D.V. by specifying the differences with the total amount to be taken out at the time of order. the fees that the customer has to pay according to the monthly or annual payment preferences by Verixu will be notified.
3.3: After the order acceptance and confirmation of the transactions, Verixu is in the customer order detail control panel, ftp, sql and e-mail usernames and passwords for the service found. will forward it to the customer and the service will be started. Responsibility of relevant accounts and passwords It is the customer's responsibility, and the customer is responsible for any loss or damage that may arise from these issues. will be.
3.4: Müşteri aldığı hizmet dahilinde Verixu tarafından aldığı beyan ve uyarılara uyacağını taahhüt eder. Müşteri, hosting hesabından faydalanırken Verixu tarafından yayınlanan her türlü ihtar yada bildirime uymayı beyan, kabul ve taahhüt eder. Müşteri, almış olduğu bulundurma hizmetinde kendisine ücretsiz ve sınırsız olarak verilen hizmetleri yine ücretli ya da ücretsiz ve/veya sınırlı ya da sınırsız olarak üçüncü kişilere dağıtamaz, satamaz.
3.5: Müşteri hizmet dahilinde sahip olduğu yazılım ve programları kullanarak erişim hakkı bulunmayan dosya veya programlara erişmemeyi, bu tarz bir sorundan dolayı herhangi bir problem yaratmamayı, oluşabilecek sorun ve problemlerde zararı karşılamayı taahhüt eder.
3.6: Müşteri alan adı, hosting veya aldığı hizmetlerin kullanılması sırasında yürürlükte olan veya sözleşme süresince yürürlülüğe girecek olan vergi, harç ve benzer yükümlülüklerin kendisine ait olduğunu ve karşılayacağını kabul ve taahhüt eder.
3.7: Müşteri hizmeti dahilinde barındırdığı tüm dosya, döküman ve programlardan, web sitesi ve e-posta hizmetleri ile kullanacağı ve faydalanacağı tüm işlemlerden kendisi sorumlu olduğunu, söz konusu veri, bilgi ve beyanların yasalara aykırılığından doğabilecek tüm hukuki ve cezai sorumluluğu kendisi karşılamayı kabul ve taahhüt eder. İş bu konuda doğabilecek sorunlardan Verixu'a herhangi bir kusur iletilemez.
3.8: Verixu web sayfaları internet üzerinde yayınlanmadan önce gözden geçirmez, doğrulamaz, ciro etmez veya kullanıcı tarafından yapılmış web sayfaları için herhangi bir şekilde bir sorumluluk almaz. Verixu kullanıcı hesaplarını bu ana hatları ihlal ettiği için veya başka bir sebeple veya Verixu'un kendi veya kullanıcılarından herhangi birinin işine zararlı olduğuna inandığı için fesih edebilir. Verixu hukuka aykırılık eden filleri ve eylemleri öğrendiğinden itibaren müşteriye haber vermeden silmek hakkına sahiptir.
3.9: Verixu, sağladığı hizmet içerisinde bulunan müşteri verilerinin hatalı kullanımlarından, veri içeriklerinden, e-posta ile kullanılan tüm verilerden doğabilecek hiç bir maddi veya manevi zararlardan sorumlu tutulamaz. Bu verilerin yedekleme ve saklama yükümlükleri müşteriye aittir. Verixu müşterinin tüm verilerini düzenli bir biçimde yedekleme ve bakım işlemine tabi tutacaktır. Buna rağmen Verixu hizmetlerinde meydana gelebilecek kesinti veya veri kaybından dolayı oluşabilecek hatalardan, zarardan ve ziyandan Verixu sorumlu değildir. Verilerin yedeklenmesi sözleşme metninde aksi belirtilmediği sürece (veri miktarı ne kadar olursa olsun) müşterinin sorumluluğundadır.
3.10: Verixu, müşteri tarafından sipariş verilmiş ve ödemesi sorunsuz olarak gerçekleştirilmiş alan adı tescil işlemlerini yürütecektir. Tescil edilen ve sipariş ile kabul edilen tescil talebi ile ücreti ödenen alan adı'nın sahibi müşteridir. Verixu bu konuda müşterinin talepleri doğrultusunda alan adı üzerinde işlem yapabilecektir. Müşteri tarafından oluşturulan düzenleme, değişiklik ve transfer taleplerini en kısa süre içerisinde yerine getirmeye çalışacaktır. Ancak register (ana kaydedici) tarafından oluşabilecek olumsuzluklarda Verixu sorumluluk kabul etmemektedir. Ayrıca müşterilerin alan adları ile ilgili istek ve talepleri iş yoğunluğuna göre çözüme kavuşturulmaktadır. Müşteri bu hususları peşinen kabul, beyan ve taahhüt eder.
3.10.1: .TR alan adı tescil işlemlerinde özellikle belge gerektiren durumlarda Verixu, alan adı başvuru sahibi ile NIC.TR arasında aracılık etmektedir. Tescil başvurusu yapılan alan adının onaylanıp onaylanmaması NIC.TR'nin tasarrufundadır. Gönderilen belgelerin sorumluluğu müşteriye ait'tir. Eksik veya hatalı bilgi içeren belgelerden Verixu sorumlu tutulamaz. Alan adının ne zaman tescil edilip edilmeyeceğine NIC.TR karar vermektedir. Ödemesi yapılan ancak sonradan askıya alınan veya durdurular alan adlarından Verixu sorumlu tutulamaz. Bu gibi durumlarda gerekli itiraz ve başvurularınızı NIC.TR ye yapmanız gerekmektedir. Müşteri bu hususları peşinen kabul, beyan ve taahhüt eder.
3.10.2: Domain name transfer process is hosted on a different company and you are the right owner. It is the process of transferring the domain name to our company for a certain fee via transfer code (EPP). When you transfer a domain name, your domain name duration is +1 year you add more. In other words, the transfer process is free in this process, you only pay the domain name renewal fee. Domain name transfer process according to the register firm may vary. The process takes 7-14 business days on average. The transfer process may not be accepted by the register company. In this case, for domain name transfer The fee paid is returned to the customer. The customer cannot initiate a re-transfer process for the denied domain name. The fee paid in repeated transfer transactions will not be refunded to the customer. The customer accepts, declares and undertakes these issues in advance.
4.1: This contract is with the transmission of order and payment transactions to Verixu via the internet. the stated rights and obligations of the parties begin.
4.2: The contract period is the payment period that the customer has selected during the order for the relevant service.
4.3: The parties agree that the contract will expire at the end of the term until 14 business days before the contract expires. If they did not warn, the contract is extended by the same terms and conditions as the previous contract period. (Changes in wages are reserved.)
5.1: The fee to be paid for the services specified in this contract is the amount specified during the order process. K.D.V. it is calculated by including it later and the collection is performed by showing the customer during the completion of the order.
5.2: Verixu reserves the right to change / edit prices and tariffs prospectively without prior notice. These changes announced in advance via SMS, e-mail or website. The customer accepts, declares and undertakes the arrangements that may occur about these changes.
5.3: If the fee is in foreign currency, it is paid by converting it into Turkish Lira over the Central Bank effective selling rate on the invoice date.
5.4: Customer invoices issued to him / her online with credit or debit card until the due date, on the bank account numbers is obliged to pay to bank account numbers by money order / EFT method or in cash to Verixu.
5.5: Monthly 5% overdue interest is applied to invoices whose due dates are delayed.
5.6: Verixu reserves the right to suspend / suspend or activate the relevant service until the customer completes the payment process.
6.1: Due to problems with payment, provision problems for customers with credit card payment orders, or items related to terms and obligations, Verixu provides all the services provided to the customer, e-mail, web, ftp. reserves the right to suspend all of its accounts.
6.2: During the continuation of this situation, e-mail, web, ftp access cannot be made on behalf of the customer and e-mail accounts are blocked and incoming e-mails are rejected.
6.3: Maximum CPU and RAM usage per site on the server for shared hosting packages (unless stated otherwise) 100% CPU - 2GB RAM, 100% CPU - 2GB RAM in reseller hosting packages (unless otherwise specified), if for corporate hosting packages It is arranged to be 100% CPU - 2GB RAM (unless otherwise specified). Maximum data for all accounts (unless otherwise specified) base usage size is determined as 512 MB in total. Accounts with 512 MB or more can be suspended without warning.
Customers may not continuously use system resources at the rate allocated to them and for more than 90 seconds above this rate. Verixu can change, decrease or increase these limits at any time. User accounts exceeding the specified limits are suspended by the automation system without warning. You can monitor CPU and RAM usage instantly through your hosting management panel.
6.4: Both copyrights and T.C. It is forbidden to contain content that is against the law. This content; generally includes hack, crack, warez, adult, MP3 and MP4 content.
6.5: The security of all software on the server belongs to our customers. Our company is not responsible in any way for any matter that may arise from Chmod 777 or be caused by your software.
7.1: If the customer does not fulfill its responsibilities and commitments by acting against any article of this contract, or if the business determines that the information declared on the front of this contract is not correct, the suspension of the contract stated above Verixu has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally without the need for any warning or notice.
7.2: After this termination, the customer; It declares, accepts and undertakes that it will not be able to reclaim the last contract fee it paid, regardless of the remaining period, and to pay 5 times the commercial penalty compensation of the equivalent contract price in effect on the date of termination.
7.3: The customer has the right to terminate this contract at the end of the term, provided that the contract is notified in writing 14 days before the end of the contract without any justification.
7.4: In case the contract is terminated by the customer before the expiration date, it declares, accepts and undertakes to pay 1/2 of the fees to be paid until the end of the contract in full and in cash.
8.1: The parties have accepted, declared and committed the postal addresses specified in the order address as their legal residence for all kinds of notifications arising from the contract.
8.2: Any notices made to these addresses will be deemed to have been served even if they do not reach the parties. Unless the changes of these addresses are notified to the other party in writing, the old addresses will be valid.
8.3: Verixu can send a message, information, letter, warning, payment notification, account movement schedule, account statement to the e-mail address allocated to the customer within the contract period. The customer cannot claim that the said electronic messages are not received or not received, and declares, accepts and undertakes that such messages will be deemed to have been legally served 1 day after the date they are sent.
9.1: If the customer does not pay for the products and services purchased through our company until the due date, it is deemed to be in default. In this case, Verixu may issue the exchange rate difference invoice or reflect the monthly 0.5% delay fee to the invoice starting from the invoice date. Products and services are permanently canceled with the invoice 14 days after the due date. The customer cannot make any claims about the canceled products and services. From the moment the customer orders the product or service, he declares and accepts to pay the 0.5% monthly delay fee and the exchange difference invoice.
9.2: Customer, if Verixu opens a lawsuit or execution proceedings for any receivables arising from this contract, 15% default interest per month, 50% of the remaining debt amount is penalized. Declares, accepts and undertakes to pay 10% attorney fee and all other legal expenses from the moment of ordering a product or service.
9.3: The customer claims that Verixu is authorized to take unsecured lien and injunctive injunctions in the event that the client applies to legal authorities for the collection of his receivables arising from this contract. declares, accepts and undertakes that when collateral is requested, the commission and all kinds of fees arising from the letters of guarantee to be received from banks will be paid by them and that they will not make any objections to these matters.
9.4: Verixu may suspend / suspend products, services or services corresponding to the customer's previously issued and timely paid invoices / invoices due to invoices not paid on time. In case of malicious evaluation, this product, service or services may be canceled indefinitely. The customer declares, accepts and undertakes this situation from the moment he orders the product or service.
10.1: The customer is responsible for the disclosure of the work under this contract and as confidential information by Verixu. not to disclose any information to third parties or institutions without the written consent of Verixu, whether it is specified or not, and that the confidentiality of such information will be protected under this confidentiality principle, otherwise, it accepts, declares and undertakes to compensate Verixu in cash and in full at the time of the first request for any damages incurred by Verixu. By the customers' employees, partners and customers The Customer is also responsible for any material and moral damages arising from disclosure of any information.
10.2: In case of breach of information confidentiality, the party violating the contract agrees and undertakes to pay the injured party all the damages incurred due to this, but also to pay the 500 Euro penalty clause immediately.
10.3: The parties acknowledge, declare and undertake that no matter how this contract expires, they will not violate the relevant confidentiality provisions in any way as of the date of expiry.
10.4: The above-mentioned information previously disclosed to the public and the information requested by official institutions will not be considered within the scope of this article.
11.1: Developing beyond the control and will of the parties and outside the reasonable control power and preventing the parties from fulfilling their debts imposed by this contract and / or delaying, unpredictable, but not limited to:
a) Earthquake, fire, flood, natural disaster, etc.
b) War, civil war, terrorist acts etc.
c) Electronic malfunctions (hardware malfunctions) that may occur
d) Periodic maintenance or improvement works (periodic maintenances are made in a planned manner by announcing at least 3 days in advance, in cases requiring emergency intervention or creating security problems
Applicable without notice. This includes operating system and control panel updates.)
e) Interruptions or failures, network attacks, network density or other malfunctions that may occur in telecommunication lines will be considered as force majeure.
11.2: When a force majeure occurs, one of the parties has to notify the other party immediately without wasting time. In case of such a situation The parties will jointly determine and implement the measures to be taken by evaluating. Before the parties cannot fulfill their obligations fully or on time due to force majeure will not be held responsible. If the force majeure situation continues uninterrupted for 15 (fifteen) days, this contract will automatically become terminated, but the parties will be accrued before termination. their rights and claims will be reserved.
12.1: The customer accepts that any books and records of Verixu will be valid, binding, final and exclusive evidence in case of disputes arising from this contract. does. This article is in the nature of written evidence in accordance with Article 193 of H.M.K, and it cannot be substituted for evidence other than the above mentioned ones.
13.1: The parties cannot transfer or assign their rights and obligations under this contract in any way. The customer makes a transaction with a third party on behalf or account of Verixu or can not deal. Even if there is a transfer or assignment contrary to this provision, all kinds of responsibilities of the parties continue.
14.1: This contract, however, consists of 14 articles, sub-headings and Annex-1 articles below, and it has been read, understood and signed by the parties. (Signature is deemed to have taken place when the order is sent over the internet (virtual environment) or when the product, service or service is ordered) . If it deems necessary, Verixu can add or remove new items and / or subtitles or make changes on the items. The customer declares and undertakes that he / she accepts these changes in advance.
14.2: Any complaint or issue detected on the internet, social media and print / visual media without a legally proven subject of our company In case of failure, active services belonging to the relevant customer can be suspended / stopped. About the relevant customer While the right to apply for legal remedies is reserved, the customer is responsible for all commercial and reputational damages that Verixu company may suffer. The customer declares, accepts and undertakes these terms from the moment he places an order for a product, service or service.
14.3: Izmir Courts and Execution Offices are authorized to resolve any disputes that may arise during the implementation of this contract.
Account Settings / Email Address
Your account is activated after the payment transaction has been collected. It is entirely up to you whether your e-mail address and mobile phone number in your account are valid. If there is any complaint or if we need to contact you, we will contact you using your primary e-mail address or mobile phone number on your client panel. For this reason, it is in your interest to enter your e-mail address and mobile phone number correctly and to check regularly. Entering the wrong contact information can cause bad consequences such as closing your account. If such situations are detected (e-mail, mobile phone, address, tc no, etc.), your account and service may be suspended or canceled indefinitely.
Moving and Support
Our transfer team puts maximum effort into your move to Verixu. The transfer process is a free support service offered only for the convenience of users. Verixu indicates whether the move is possible and will be completed in any time. can not guarantee. Each hosting company is organized in a different structure and some hosting platforms may be incompatible with data or keep it private. This makes the move inconvenient. or it can be quite difficult. We will try to do the best we can, but in some cases We would also like to inform you that we cannot assist with your relocation. Currently only from cPanel We can offer migration service to cPanel (cpanel to cpanel). The number of sites we can move free of charge per account (does not include reseller customers) is 1. The total amount of quota we can move for free per account (does not include reseller customers) is 5120 MB at most.
If the number of sites to be moved is more than 1, you can pay an additional 5 TL per migration (reseller and server customers 2.5 TL per site) depending on your request. you can purchase a transport service. Website, database and script installations are not included in the migration process. Only the transfer from the remote server to your local server (our company) is performed. The transportation process is carried out within working hours depending on the demand and workload density. Required installations are at the customer's own risk. Verixu cannot be held responsible for losses that may occur during the transportation process. The customer can avoid any possible data loss. and cannot hold Verixu responsible for damages. We recommend that you back up your data before migration.
In extreme cases (plesk to cpanel etc.) the maximum data limit for manual migration is 100 MB per site. Only HTML and PHP file types can be moved for manual migrations. In these operations, only the web root (public_html) is transferred to the new server. No configuration and editing process is provided. Verixu reserves the right to reject extreme carriage requests. Verixu cannot be held responsible for losses that may occur during the transportation and installation process. The customer cannot hold Verixu responsible for possible data loss and damages. Transportation demands of customers using different (special software) automation panels may be rejected without any justification.
Our free transport service covers a period of 24 hours from the start date of your membership. If you want to take advantage of our transportation service at the end of the specified period, you can pay 10 TL per transportation and you can transport it.
Verixu only provides support for the products, services and services it provides. When you have a problem with our products, services and services You can request 24/7 support from us. We will try to respond to your support requests as soon as possible. Such as website and script installations Unfortunately, we cannot respond to your support requests. For such problems, you can contact the company / person from whom you purchased a service or product.
Verixu always strives to respond to its customers' support requests in a timely and complete manner. However, the customer's Verixu employee or To reduce the motivation of its employees, to prevent them from doing their job, to occupy unnecessarily and persistently (despite warning), to their private life or person / personality rights T.C.K. insults, etc., including related articles. in case of comment Verixu reserves the right not to support the customer. In such cases, the precautionary customer account may be suspended or suspended completely, at the discretion of Verixu. Verixu and interlocutor employee can seek legal rights. The customer agrees and undertakes in advance that it will not behave and act like this.
Required for the stable operation of the website and scripts you will host on our servers. software and hardware measures have been taken by us. Plugins or modules required for the website or script to work in some cases It may be disabled. When you encounter such a problem, you can inform us by opening a support request. Relevant add-on or module if deemed appropriate can be activated. Verixu can make an additional explanation to the customer about this situation or keep the subject confidential. Customer it is deemed to have accepted and understood these and similar situations in advance.
Our one-click installation service is a free additional service offered to our customers. Regarding the applications and modules included in this service no support is provided. Installation and configurations are customer's own. Responsibility for these applications and services belongs to the application manufacturer / provider. Verixu can only be used with these applications. provides related brokerage services. Verixu does not accept any responsibility for problems that may occur. Problems and negativities related to this service do not cover. p>
Our free SSL certificate service is an additional service offered to our customers. Related to all conditions included in this free service no support is provided. Installation and configurations belong to the customer. The certificate is valid for the main domain. The installation of subdomains, e-mail and other DNS domains is at the discretion of the certificate provider. Verixu can provide 1-time free installation for customer if needed. Certificate validity period is determined by the provider. Re-installation or extension at the end of the term is the customer's own responsibility. Responsibility for these services and services belongs to the SSL certificate producer / provider company. Verixu can only be used with these applications. provides related brokerage services. Verixu does not accept any responsibility for problems that may occur. Problems and negativities that may occur with this service do not cover the terms of . p>
Verixu uses a central DNS structure. For this reason, when you move from one of our servers to another, you need to delete the account you do not use, because a website does not run on two different servers. If you do not delete the account you do not use, our technical team may delete the hosting account on the server where your website is not active during the checks.
All services provided by Verixu must be used for legal purposes. Verixu accepts the laws of the Republic of Turkey. Verixu server presentations made in any written, audio or visual content, the material can not be contrary to the Republic of Turkey Act. Otherwise, all material and moral responsibilities that arise / will arise belong to the customer. Service provider Verixu is not obliged.
Customers guarantee that Verixu will not be harmed by the services it provides.
Trademark or copyright infringement is prohibited in our services. This covers any process involving unauthorized music copying, books, photos or any copyrights. Selling a fake version of any trademark services will result in immediate deletion of your account. When any account that violates these rules or violates copyrights is detected, the account will be frozen or deleted completely. If you think that your copyrights or trademark rights have been violated, you can send the necessary information to by e-mail. The necessary examination will be made and you will be provided with a relevant return on the subject. We may need the necessary documentation (must be official) in order to prove that the content subject to trademark and copyright infringement belongs to you / your institution.
It is forbidden to use server resources for backup purposes or as storage in shared hosting services, you should download your backups to your local device and delete the remaining compressed file on the server.
Compressed hosting of files larger than 128 MB is prohibited on shared hosting services. If detected, 128 MB and more files will be deleted from the server.
The following materials are strictly prohibited to be used in shared and reseller hosting accounts. If detected, the relevant hosting account can be suspended without any warning. or it can be stopped. The customer is deemed to have accepted this situation in advance from the moment he places a service order.
• Toplists
• Adult, eroticism and pornography sites / illegal content sites
• IRC scripts / Bots
• Proxy scripts / Anonymizers
• Unauthorized software / Warez
• Image hosting scripts (similar to Photobucket or Tinypic)
• Autosurf / PTC / PTS / PPC sites
• IP scanners (IP Scanner)
• Bruteforce programs / Scripts / Applications
• Email bombing / Spam scripts
• File hosting / Mirror scripts. (similar to rapidshare)
• Video distribution ( like scripts)
• Escrow / bank-like sites
• Sites and applications that engage in live TV, live radio and all kinds of live broadcast activities even with license permission
• Sites and applications that broadcast and sell, intermediate or advertise IP TV even with license permission
• HYIP etc. sites
• Investment sites (FOREX, E-gold Exchange, Second Life / Linden Exchange, Ponzi, MLM / Pyramid Scheme)
• Selling any material without legal distribution rights
• Prime Bank Programs
• Lucky / Lotto / Gambling games sites (including promoters)
• MUD / RPG or PPBGs
• Hateful / Racist / Harassment sites
• Hacker focused sites / archives / programs / forums / ( etc.)
• Sites organizing illegal activities
• Illegal, copyrighted linked (warez) forums / web pages
• Regardless of the foundation and broadcast purpose, Metin 2 / Knight Online / League of Legends / Counter Strike etc. online game sites and applications (including scripts)
• Follower pulling applications from social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram / SMM panels and applications
• Illegal and copyrighted movies, series, etc. to broadcast, to have 3rd parties watch, to use server traffic
• Illegal and copyrighted games, programs, etc. hosting applications, offering paid or free to 3rd parties, using server traffic
• Any add-ons, scripts, software, scripts, themes that may cause the server to consume excessive CPU and RAM.
• To broadcast video, to host video on the server, to use the server as an archive regardless of its type
• Mailer Pro etc.
NOTE: Although there is no obstacle for legal forums, dictionaries and news sites (portals) to take place on our servers, too much resource consumption is experienced. legal forums, dictionaries and news sites We do not find it appropriate to host (portals) on shared servers. For this and similar projects, please request support from our sales team in order to get a healthier hosting service. Resource consuming Please note that web projects that violate the limits of bona fide usage can be suspended or deleted from the server without warning.
Verixu services, all related equipment, network and network devices are authorized for customer use only. Verixu, offered by services, when necessary for legal issues, to check whether the customer is using authorized, for system management, to prevent unauthorized use services, to control security procedures and for operational security. During this monitoring process, information can be examined, can be saved or copied. By using Verixu services, you agree to this monitoring process.
Verixu reserves the right to refuse the service used. Intervention in the use of the service provided is entirely under Verixu's control. For example, websites that contain threats, violate copyrights and that our company deems objectionable can be suspended or deleted from our servers without warning. In these and similar cases, our complaint department can contact you in advance (by phone or e-mail), if no result (or response) is obtained within 48 hours, your account may be suspended. or it can be permanently deleted on our servers.
It is forbidden to host and publish videos on shared and reseller hosting accounts under any circumstances. You must use the "iframe" tag for this operation. Shared again and In our reseller hosting packages, 1 image file size is maximum 1024 KB. Hosting and publishing 1024 KB and larger image files on our servers under any circumstances is prohibited. We recommend that you scale your images using compression technology according to the terms accepted on the server. This and the like If situations are detected, the relevant content can be permanently deleted from our servers. The customer declares, accepts and undertakes that he will comply with the terms of this article from the moment he orders the service.
NOTE: Even if your website is well-structured, high-capacity image files will cause your pages to open slower, get lower scores and lower scores in search engines.
To order whether the content to be hosted on Verixu servers is compatible with the configurations (infrastructures) of our servers. We strongly recommend that you check beforehand. Refunds are not possible for some hosting packages. Detailed For information, you can contact our support team or browse our return policy page.
If you are in doubt about whether your site has acceptable content, feel free to You can send an e-mail to and get detailed information, we will be happy to assist you!